
500 Avis Drive Suite 100
Ann Arbor , Michigan  48108

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Atwell-Hicks, Ann Arbor

It started in 1905, when University of Michigan civil engineering professor Harry Atwell began a land surveying company from his Ann Arbor home. Civil engineer and surveyor Herbert Hicks joined him in 1949, bought the firm a year later and incorporated it as Atwell-Hicks. It flourished - and occasionally floundered - with the local economy for another 30 years. Along the way, we added services and changed ownership several times. Then the construction industry ground to a halt in the early-80s. We survived. Barely. We vowed: never again. So we focused on the things we could control. Exceed expectations. Deliver technical excellence. Hire the best people. Add value every step of the way. We've been breaking new ground ever since, transforming development visions into realities for clients from the nation's largest retailer to the private landowner who shops there. We approach your project as investment advisors, combining innovation and experience to maximize the value of your real esta


Investment Advisory Services